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The Problem-Oriented Performance Management for Sustainable Development of an Economic System

Kravchenko Vladimir (2012). The Problem-Oriented Performance Management for Sustainable Development of an Economic System. Устойчиво развитие. Устойчивое развитие. Sustainable Development, Vol. 3, pp. 77-80.


   This paper provides a statement to the sustainable development of an economic system by applying  the problem-oriented performance management. It’s a complementation and way to interrelate the strategic, operational and project management, which are characterized with emphasis on  goal-setting  and  reaction  to  the  results  of  economic  system  activities  and development,   process improvement and project execution, by inseparable performance monitoring, appraisal and controlling, identification of problem situations and finding the root causes of  their appearance. Great importance is given to analysis of  key performance indicators.

Keywords: problem, performance management, sustainable development, performance appraisal, strategy, project, process, goal

Dynamic and complexity continuum of economic problems, diversity of solutions to improvement social and business processes, absence of clear framework of sustainability performance for enterprises and organizations, lack of management and organizational innovations belong to main reasons of their poor financial and economic state, weak viability, low competitiveness and company value [1].
Problem-oriented performance management used to ensure effectiveness and efficiency of an economic system (e.g. company, organization, corporation, industrial sector, supply chain, etc.), strategy of its development and projects of process improvement involves finding the root reasons of delays in the main goal achievement and reducing project’s effectiveness and failure. In addition to the methodologies of management by objectives and management by results the problem-oriented approach focuses on the justification of that reasons and processes that have negative impact on financial and economic states of the economic system at the present and future time, its structure and activities for a given, sometimes enough or high, levels of organizational support, resource provision, information and intellectual providing (potentials).


Size:380 kb


Language: english


Категория: Публикации Кравченко В.Н. | Добавил: kvn2us (25.07.2013) | Автор: Kravchenko Vladimir
Просмотров: 1037 | Теги: Strategy, project, performance appraisal, Process, Goal, sustainable development, blem, performance management
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