eng укр д.э.н., доц. |
E-mail: kravchenko.valdimyr@bigmir.net | modeling@at.ua
Профили в интернете: |
посвящен различным идеям, концепциям, моделям, методам и средствам,
применяемым для решения управленческих проблем |
web-site (english): BP-SIMDAN >>>
2005 г. Аспирантура, специальность 08.03.02 - экономико-математическое моделирование.
2013 г. Докторантура, специальность 08.00.11 - математические методы, модели и информационные технологии в экономике.
Опыт работы
Донецкий национальный университет
- Кафедра бизнес-статистики и экономической кибернетики
09.2018 — н.в.
- Кафедра бизнес-статистики и экономической кибернетики
02.2016 — 08.2018 - Кафедра маркетинга
09.2016 — 08.2018 - Кафедра международных экономических отношений
10.2017 — 06.2018 - Кафедра экономической кибернетики
09.2014 — 02.2016 - Кафедра международного бизнеса и прикладной экономики
09.2007 — 06.2016 - Кафедра моделирования экономики
09.2013 — 08.2014 - Кафедра экономической кибернетики
09.2007 — 11.2010
- Кафедра экономической кибернетики
12.2005 — 08.2007 - Кафедра международного бизнеса и прикладной экономики
12.2005 — 08.2007 - Кафедра экономической кибернетики
12.2004 — 06.2005
- Кафедра экономической кибернетики
12.2002 — 12.2005
Киевский университет рыночных отношений
Лектор, тренер
Центр повышения квалификации и последипломного образования
11.2017 — 09.2018
- Certificate of the course "Introduction to Data Science, Business Analytics and Artificial Intelligence" (Ukrainian Catholic University, IBM, Ukraine, 23-24.04.2016) >>>
- Certificate of Advanced Training in the field of Innovative methods and approaches in education "Economics, Science, Education: Integration and Synergy", Academic society of Michal Baludansky (Bratislava, Slovakia, 2016) >>>
- Certificate of the training course "Distant Education Platform Moodle in the Academic Process of Higher Education Establishment" (The Center of Continuing Education of Donetsk National University, Ukraine, 2015) >>>
Онлайн-Курсы (MOOCs)
Statement of Accomplishment "Process Mining: Data science in Action" (course offered by Eidhoven University of Technology, prof. Wil van der Aalst, through Coursera, issued January 20, 2015) >>>
Certificate "R Basics - R Programming Language Introduction" (4-hour course by R-Tutorials Training & Udemy, issued August 11, 2017) >>>
Honor Code Certificate "Microsoft's DAT204x: Introduction to R Programming" (~8 hours course by Microsoft Corporation through Edx.org during 4 weeks, issued March 31, 2016) >>>
Certificate "Training Sets, Test Sets, R, and ggplot" (1.5-hour course by Charles Redmond & Udemy, issued August 12, 2017) >>>
Verified Certificate of Achievement "IIMBx: QM101.1x Statisitics for Business - I" (course offered by Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore, Shankar Venkatagiri, through edX, issued August 18, 2015) >>>
"The Data Scientist's Toolbox" & "R Programing" (courses of specialization "Data Science" authorized by John Hopkins University, Roger D. Peng, etc. & offererd through Coursera, August 8, and October 6, 2015) >>> >>>
Certificate awarded for completing "The Basics of Project Management" (72-hour course conducted by The National Open University "INTUIT" from March 4, 2016 to April 22, 2016) (рус)>>> (eng)>>>
Certificate awarded for completing "Project Management with PMI PMBOOK" (72-hour course conducted by The National Open University "INTUIT" from November 15, 2015 to November 29, 2015) (рус)>>> (eng)>>>
Verified Certificate "Effective Problem-Solving and Decision-Making" (course authorized by University of California, Irvine, instructor Rob Stone & offererd through Coursera, May 20, 2015) >>>
"Decision Making in a Complex and Uncertain World" (developed by prof. Lex Hoogduin, University of Groningen, at FutureLearn, finished 19.01.2015) >>>
Statement of participation "Digital and Social Media Marketing" (taught from September 2015 to November 2015 by Dr. Aleksej Heinze (Salford Business School, University of Salford) & etc., and cerftified be Iversity) >>>
Verified Certificate of Achievement "OM101.1x Introduction to Operations Management - I" (course offered by Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore, prof. D. Mahadevan, through edX, issued October 8, 2015) >>>
"Innovation: The Key to Business Success" (~12 hours course developed by University of Leeds, at FutureLearn, finished 12.08.2017) >>>
Certificate of Achievement "Big Data for Better Performance" (course by open2study, Open Universities Australia, issued Semptember 5, 2017)
Научный руководитель
3 аспиранта защитили диссертации на соискание степени кандидата экономических наук
Официальный оппонент
Экспертные комиссии